Monday, October 2, 2017

Wrongful Death Lawyer: Who May File a Wrongful Death Case?

A wrongful death claim should be filed by those left behind by the deceased. In most cases, the surviving members of the family will ask personal representative or a wrongful death lawyer. If a surviving wife or husband will not file then the court itself will appoint a personal representative. Any damages given as a result of the claim filed by the wrongful death lawyer are held by the estate of the deceased for the benefit of surviving family members:
An experienced counsel is important because a claim for wrongful death can be complicated. The most successful lawyers are those that communicate with the client, and work to achieve a common goal – obtaining adequate financial recompense. A skilled lawyer will protect the rights to their client and provide proper representation by building a solid case to prove the four elements of a wrongful death claim.

Before you file a claim relating to wrongful death, it’s important to make sure you’re aware of the specific elements that make up a wrongful death claim. These elements include: There are four key elements involved in wrongful death as defined by law. Surviving members submitting a claim or filing a lawsuit must prove each element to win a case for financial recompense. The four key elements that your wrongful death lawyer annapolis md will consider include:

Due to Someone’s Negligence

The surviving members or their legal representatives must prove the death of their loved one was caused (in part or in whole) by the recklessness, carelessness, or negligent actions of the defending party.

Due to a Breach of Duty

To be successful in the case, it must be proved that the defendant in a wrongful death lawsuit owed a duty to the deceased victim. For example, a motorist maintains a duty to drive safely, and follow and obey every traffic law. Doctors and medical health providers have the duty to maintain a patient’s health. It is up to the plaintiff to establish how the defendant’s duty existed, and that the duty was breached through their negligent actions.

Due to Cause and Effect

In addition to proving how the duty of the defendant was breached toward the deceased, the lawsuit plaintiff must also prove how the defendant’s negligence caused their loved one’s death.

Due to Damages

The death of the victim must have generated quantifiable damages such as hospitalization, medical expenses, funeral and burial costs, loss of income and potential earnings, loss of protection, guidance and inheritance along with pain and suffering of the victim prior to death.

Proving these points in court through a wrongful death lawyer lawsuit requires producing strong convincing evidence and expert witness testimony presented by a skilled attorney specializing in a wrongful death lawyer’s cases.

Interest and attorneys' fees. In some states, the survivors can recover interest on the damages from the time they were incurred up to the time they are collected. And in some cases, the survivors can get reimbursed from the defendant for attorneys' fees and costs incurred in the bringing the lawsuit.

Wise & Donahue PLC
18 West Street Annapolis, MD 21401

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